Monday, 17 February 2014

Type Production, and Distribution

This lecture was about different types of font and how they have evolved over the years, and what is considered the main font of whatever era they are from. It went over the differences between "Type" and "Typography", Type meaning human language conveyed in a visual form, and Typography a stylised version of Type. What fascinated me most about this lecture was the section that talked about how the human mind reads words as a whole, so the letters in a word, first and last letters notwithstanding, can be rearranged and we as humans will still understand them. This is something that can be applied to surrealism, I think. It just shows how far we have developed and how accustomed to the English language we are since type was invented. It makes me wonder if this applies to other cultures, that don't use our type of lettering. It was fascinating how much of a historical impact something as seemingly insignificant as type has had on the world.

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