Saturday 1 March 2014


This was an interesting lecture that put a whole new light on a generally negatively viewed concept, advertising. The reason people look down upon advertising is because of the purpose of it, to sell products and raise awareness to specific audiences. Most people think advertising has had a negative impact on society because of this, however it has benefited us greatly. It has helped drive the economies of many countries for decades, by convincing people to spend money, it has maintained a stable economy. Advertising can also inspire some creative ideas, whether they be creative illustrations or televised advertisements either based the concept of the product or even the product itself (the John Lewis Christmas advert for example). Also, advertising is a great source for art, surprisingly so. Popular culture had been shaped by advertising too, particularly memorable advertisements; due to the advertisements being endless joy. Some advertisements can be rather inspiring, I've personally been inspired by adverts in the past, a particular Surf advert that sadly isn't being broadcast anymore:

Advertisements have also been known to reflect our hopes and dreams, to give us the drive to face challenges. While advertising is known for setting social norms, they have also questioned them too, especially today. It has essentially shown people that it's alright to question society, and that encourages progression. 

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