This actually falls on the same category as advertising. It is an art form that is used to raise awareness to broad audiences about issues that would affect the masses; it also means when people use art to send a message to the masses, whether that be propaganda, branding, packaging, or signage. A huge part of mass media is graphic design and visual literacy. The message should be told visually so that more people will understand it. Campaigns have been known to use posters to communicate to the masses. During WWI (The Great War) and WWII both generated a large amount of campaign posters/illustrations, really famous ones as well.
What's interesting is that some campaign posters can be existing works of art with text added to it, but still work as an original piece because it sends the message across effectively. The image gains appeal from simply adding text, because the text adds a whole new meaning to the image, and this is the type of that has evolved from these types of ad campaigns to the meme generators used today:
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